Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Billy B.

I just picked up a new pair of runners on the weekend so I could go to the local track and just jog out a few laps. I reviewed all of the different shoes that I thought I would be able to find and picked a few pairs so I would know what to look for when I got to the store. I ended up going with the Nike Bill Bowerman Series Air Span + 5. All of my life I have steered clear of Nike in any of my shoe purchases for some reason, but this time I just decided to go for it. Partially due to default and also partially due the box saying just do it on it, I decided to try them out. All in all I feel it was a solid choice. Every time I run on the track and start feeling bagged, I get this image of Billy B. in my mind telling me to lift my knees higher and I start running with the high knee lift until I can no longer take it. In case you are unfamiliar with Billy Bowerman, he was one of the founders of Nike with his original waffle iron shoe sole design. He was the coach at The University of Oregon and coached the likes of Steve Prefontaine who reigned supreme on the track on the University and International stage until his untimely death.

Here are a few pics of Billy in action.

This is where I reign supreme. Banciao Stadium.
C'est un stad.

With this guy. He likes the high leg lift.

After I hit the track for a few laps I usually like to stop off at the supermarket in the Global Mall on the way home for a bev. Every time I go there I get something for free, one of the ladies that works behind the meat counter points at my face and says "you" "you", "sooo handsome", and then proceeds to give me a sample of some meat. Well sometimes its meat, once she gave me a banana, and today she bought me a bottle of Orange Fanta. She speaks almost no English and is probs about 50 but is by far the nicest person probably in the world.


  1. hi friend.
    dude, this track is unreal. i want to go for a yog.
    post a pic of the shoes. i tried to find them, but there's a wide variety

  2. bill b is so sick. after watching prefontaine like 5 years ago, i was inspired to do a spontaneous 90min erg in the house.
    keep it real over there goof.
